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Paeonia Dao Jin - tree peony

Huge, raspberry-white flowers.
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bare roots

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Product Description

Tree peony Dao Jin has huge, raspberry-white flowers. It is a robust perennial, about 1 m high and almost 1.5 m wide. When mature, it become a dominant and the center of your garden. When dozens of its flowers appear in early summer, it will be hard not to bury your nose in her huge, satiny blooms and enjoy their fragrance. It can grow and bloom in the same place for decades.

Tree Peony Care

The tree peony (despite its name) is not actually a tree but a woody perennial shrub, originating from China. Distinct from the more common herbaceous peony, that leaves and stems dies back in winter, the tree peony is a larger version that retains its elegant woody stem throughout the winter. They bloom in early spring. They produce large, breathtaking flowers that are simply fabulous. They need an airy and sunny place. Tree peonies are easy to grow and richly blooming, but are growing relatively slowly. They require well-drained soil and a little watering during the hottest days. The Tree Peony is surprisingly hardy and will keep blooming for many many years. However, die-back may occur only in the coldest areas, during particularly hard winters. In the past, the Tree Peonies used to grow in almost every village garden. Today they are returning to them again…

Additional Information
Additional Information
Cultivar Dao Jin
Scientific Name Peony Paeonia
Category Perennials
Flower Color Pink
Supplied as bare roots
Flower Fragrance Yes
Bloom Time Summer
Leaf Color Green
Plant Size 100 cm
Width 150 cm
Moisture demands Medium
Trvalky podkategoria Pivónie
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  • Paeonia Dao Jin
  • Paeonia Dao Jin
  • Paeonia Dao Jin
  • peaony roots

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