iris sibirica mix Zoom

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Iris sibirica - Rare Cultivars

Collection comprises of 4 different rare Siberian Iris cultivars. Peacock Butterfly® Theme and Variation, Peacock Butterfly® Juniper Leigh, Peacock Butterfly® Fiddles on Fire and Peacock Butterfly Paprikash.
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Product Description

Collection comprises of 4 different rare Siberian Irises, cultivars Peacock Butterfly® Theme and Variation, Peacock Butterfly® Juniper Leigh, Peacock Butterfly® Fiddles on Fire and Peacock Butterfly Paprikash.

How to grow Siberian iris

When growing Siberian iris, your garden will burst with early season color and intricate, frilled flowers. Lush grass-like foliage makes for a good seasonal border filler. Planting Iris sibirica in masses adds elegant charm to the spring garden. Use Siberian Iris as a border background for other early spring bloomers. It likes rich, fertile soil with good drainage; however, Siberian iris will perform in lean or poor soils as well. Plant in sunny or half-sunny places.

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Moisture demands Medium
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