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Iris ensata Frosted Intrigue

A large, dark blue iris with a frosty light blue center.
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Supplied as:
bare roots

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Product Description

Japanese iris Iris Ensata Frosted Intrigue has a large, frosty light blue center; signals yellow, purple ridges. In summer, it blooms in a flood of flowers by the pond or in a wetter part of the garden.

How to grow Japanese iris

Iris ensata is a full-sun iris growing naturally in open wet fields in eastern Asia. Iris ensata has a vertical growth habit like most other iris species. Its large flowers come in different shades of blue. It needs to be grown in an acid humus-rich soil, with regular watering between early March and the end of July. Iris ensata can be planted in a sunny place in the garden, at the banks of a pond or slow flowing streams, or in wet places that are not flooded during the winter. It may prove necessary to cover the young plants through the first winter (with mulch, straw or bark shavings etc.) especially in the case of late planting.

Additional Information
Additional Information
Cultivar Frosted Intrigue
Scientific Name Iris ensata
Category Perennials
Flower Color Purple
Supplied as bare roots
Flower Fragrance No
Bloom Time Summer
Leaf Color Green
Plant Size 90 cm
Width 60 cm
Moisture demands High
Trvalky podkategoria Kosatce japonské
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  • Iris ensata Frosted Intrigue
  • Iris ensata Frosted Intrigue

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