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...make your garden different
+421 (0) 915 158 809

Giantland Hosta

Land of the Giants Hosta Farm is a family-owned and operated business located in Milton, Wisconsin, US, specializing in growing and selling hostas. Established in 2007, it has become one of the largest hosta nurseries in the Midwest. Land of the Giants Hosta Farm was established by Jeff Miller. Jeff´s huge hosta plants and his amazing, award-winning cultivars (he introduced about 100 hosta cultivars with prefix Giantland), were known countrywide and were very demanded by any hosta lover in US. In late 2021, Jeff passed away suddenly after a short and serious illness, and nine days later, his wife Penny lost her battle with Huntington's disease. Ashley and her husband Pedro Moscoso decided to continue Jeff's legacy and bring the farm into the future. With the support of many friends and her husband Pedro, Ashley is working hard to keep the business going and make sure Jeff's incredible hostas continue to thrive.

Although our mission is to promote mainly European hosta growers, we made an exception in case of Jeff Miller. We were in good contact with Jeff and discussed a lot how to bring his cultivars to European gardeners. Now, after he passed away, we would like to realize Jeff's ideas.

More abouth Land of the Giants Hosta Farm you can read in our blog.

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