Yellow Peonies | Text and photo: Eurohosta, December 2017
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Peonies have decorated European gardens for centuries. Popular species are herbaceous peonies with fully pink, red or white blooms, which come from China and have bigger flowers. The peculiarity of tree peonies is that the flowers can also be yellow. Already, the breeders have been trying to cross herbaceous, resistant peonies with more sensitive tree peonies. They wanted to achieve a herbaceous peony that would have beautiful yellow flowers. Herbaceous and tree peonies are but very distant relatives, so they have not been successfully crossed for years. It was achieved in 1948 by the Japanese grower Toichi Itoh. After an enormous effort in which he made about 20,000 crosses, he obtained about 36 plants, 6 of which had yellow flowers. In 1960, these plants were discovered by Louis Smirnow and imported to the United States. The succession of other "Itoh" cultivars with beautiful, large, yellow, fragrant flowers and the smooth growth of herbaceous peonies had begun. Toichi Itoh died in 1956 and he did not live to see te success of his cross. The "Itoh" cultivar Bartzella came on the market around 1986. It became so popular that it was sold in the US at $ 1000 a piece. We are proud to offer this cultivar to you in our e-shop. In the spring it can also grow in your garden ...… Pivónia Bartzella býva občas dostupná aj v našom katalógu. Pivónia lutea patrí k vzácnejším druhom. Pivónia Lollipop nie je celkom žltá, ale za to je veľmi zaujímavá. Pivónia Lemon Chiffon patrí k najkrajším, krémovo žltým kultivarom. Niektoré kultivary majú tak výrazne žlté stredy kvetov, že pôdobia akoby mali kvety žlté... © This text and photos are protected by intellectual property rights under the Law no. 618/2003 Coll. (the Copyright Act). |