Wrote about us... Text and photo: Eurohosta, April 2017
We are happy that our horticultural activity was noticed by some important and known magazines and web portals. Bulletin of British Society "British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society" - 2015 In 2015, one of the oldest organizations, bringing together friends of the hostas and the daylilies, wrote a short info piece about us. The patron of the British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society is his Excellency Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. Every year, the society publishes a magazine dedicated to hostas and daylilies. The magazine contacted us in the 2015. They asked us to send them some information about our garden passion and garden business, describe our relationship with daylilies, cultivation of perennials, and the overall situation with the cultivation of daylilies in our country. We felt honoured to send them a short text and some photos. In November 2015, the 2015 issue was published, and on its pages (102-107) the magazine published some information about our gardening passion. Charlotte's Daylily Diary - 2017 The well-known website Charlotte's Daylily Diary focuses exclusively on the world of daylilies. It maps the worlds leading retailers and breeders and reports on daylily cultivation and history. It is well-known and popular, and it is among the most important internet portals dedicated to this group of perennials. In the section "Garden of the Week", photos of lily growers' gardens are shown regularly. On February 11, 2017 this portal published a short story about our garden, accompanied by a short text and 15 photographs from our garden in Žiar nad Hronom. We got many very kind e-mails from around the world in which people thanked us for having the chance to access our garden through the internet. "The Hosta Journal" of the American Hosta Society (AHS) - 2017 The world’s largest and most respected society dedicated to growing perennials of the genus Hosta is the American Hosta Society. It brings together over 3,000 members from all over the world. Every year, it organizes conventions with hundreds of guests. It organizes plant auctions, visits of private gardens, grants various awards, announces the “hosta of the year” competition, maintains a central hosta register, and performs many other activities. One of them is publishing a specialized magazine, The Hosta Journal, which has both a printed and an online version. Warren I. Pollock has regular columns in the magazine. In his articles, he writes about the names of hosta cultivars. He noticed that we have registered several hostas under the name “Buffalo” in recent years. He was interested in this, so he contacted us by mail. He was very curious why we have chosen such an unusual name for our hosta cultivars. He was also very interested in other issues, our horticultural activities, hosta hybridization and production. Finally, he published a short story about Buffalo hostas in The Hosta Journal in 2017. Some of our photographs were also published, and we are pleased that the photo of cultivar H. Buffalo Bill was published on the inside of the journal. © This text and photos are protected by intellectual property rights under the Law no. 618/2003 Coll. (the Copyright Act). |