Hosta collection - more than 1,200 hosta cultivars!
Text and foto: Eurohosta, July 2020
We have been planting hostas for over 20 years. During that time, we have collected a fairly large collection of these perennials. To date, there are about 1,200 cultivars in our garden. However, we are not classic collectors. About 700-900 cultivars are propagated for sale and only the rest serve as collection plants and/or as mother plants for our breeding program. Which of them do we love the most? We are happy to have H. Gunther’s Prize, H. Embroidery, H. Bohemia Oh Well, H. DD Blondes Gift, H. Big Kahuna... hard to say. In 2020, we again contacted several hosta growers, more than in previous years, and a few interesting plants were again added to the collection. We will definitely offer some of them to you, our customers, in the near future. But there are not only rarities in our collection. There are plenty of ordinary hostas, whose can be grown in very garden. A few pictures will show you some of the rarities and also the more common hosta cultivars in our collection. Rare hosta Gunther's Prize. Not very common hosta Dawn's Early Light. Hosta Lime Shag, common hosta for pot or flowerbed. Special and rare hosta Valley's Hokey Pokey. Available but not common at all hosta Hollywoods Lights. This one can grow in any garden hosta Risky Business. For hosta collectors Teeny-weeny Bikini Streaked. Hosta Trifecta. Hosta June - one from the most popular. Increasingly in garden shops offer Hosta Dancing Queen. Very rare hosta Laser Game. Unusual but some time available hosta Pineapple Upsidedown Cake. Very rare, small hosta Royal Mouse Ears. dgfgdf Hosta Smash Hit. Rare hosta Splashed Leather. This can also grow in your garden hosta Mata Hari. Rare in colelctions hosta Royal Flush. Dream of many hostaholics - hosta Embroidery. Common, fragrant hosta Cathedral Windows. Rarity from Japan - hosta Kiyosumi Seiryu. Rare and nice in pot - hosta Lakeside Knickknack. © This text and photos are protected by intellectual property rights under the Law no. 618/2003 Coll. (the Copyright Act).