Eurohosta BLOG   


Ronny Van Keer and his Holar hostas

Author: Jannes Van Rossum

We were invited to visit Ronny Van Keer, the well-known breeder of Holar hostas. We were first introduced to Ronny Van Keer a long time ago by Danny van Eechaute, who referred to Ronny as one of his favorite hybridizers...


Some hostas need more care...

Author: Eurohosta

We aim to inspire you to think carefully before purchasing certain hosta cultivars, to understand what needs to be done to ensure that the hostas you select grow beautifully in your garden and bring joy to you and those around you.


The Magic of the 'Mouse' hostas

Author: Eurohosta + D. van Eeachaute + G. Veenstra

If you're a fan of small garden plants, a bonsai hobbyist, or someone who appreciates small rock garden plants, or maybe you are a cacti and succulent lover, you could appreciate the beauty of a small hostas from the group of 'Mouses'.


Land of the Giants Hosta Farm

Author: Eurohosta + Land of the Giants Hosta Farm

Land of the Giants Hosta Farm is a family-owned and operated business located in Milton, Wisconsin, US, specializing in growing and selling hostas. Established in 2007, it has become one of the largest hosta nurseries in the Midwest.


VII. Eurohosta Hosta Days 2023

Author: Eurohosta

The tradition of "Hosta Days" at Záhradníctvo Hosta was established in 2017. Inspired by other companies, we decided to invite hosta enthusiasts and anyone interested in hosta planting. We were delighted to have several attendees...


Hostas from our garden – Buffalo hostas

Author: Eurohosta

It has been two years since we wrote about our own hosta cultivars in our Blog. Things have moved on a bit since then and we would like to write something about our hostas again.. Breeding is a very interesting and creative activity that we really enjoy here at Eurohosta, but...


Hellebores offer beautiful winter flowers

Author: Eurohosta

Hellebore cultivation has a long tradition in Europe. Their flowers decorate the garden in the winter months, sometimes as early as January and often last until spring. In English, they are also called "lenten roses" because their flowers resemble roses and also because they bloom in spring, during the Christian Lent season. In German, they are also called Christrosen or Schneerosen...


The story of Buffalo Bill

Author: Eurohosta

The Story of Buffalo Bill... It may looks like I am about to tell you the story of the legendary American adventurer and legend of the Wild West, William Frederick Cody, nicknamed „Buffalo Bill“....


Hostas from the Valley

Author: Eurohosta

Jeroen Linneman (Netherlands) is one from the most reputable European hosta hybridizers. He registered (American Hosta Society - AHS) about 70 hostas and he has around 450 named own introductions. All his hostas are registered under the name 'Valley's'.


Eurohosta in 2021

Author: Eurohosta

The year 2021 had recently finished and a new one has begun. Many of us are already planning about what the new one may bring. But today we want to remember the old one that is already over. It was not the best year for any of us...


Hostaholic - Christina Brinkmann

Author: Eurohosta + Christina Brinkmann

In the next part of our series, in which we invite you to the gardens of hosta and daylily growers, we visited the Christina Brinkmann’s hosta kingdom from Gütersloh, Germany. Although it rained heavily during our visit in the summer of 2021...


Vladimír Mirka and his Hosta Bohemia

Author: Eurohosta + Rik Desmedt

In this episode of our blog series on gardens in Europe by hosta growers that we want to introduce you, we have visited Czech Republic. We went for not too big, the even cozier gardens of Vladimír Mirka from Kladno; those full with wonderful hostas...


Almost 30 years of hosta passion

Author: Eurohosta + Rik Desmedt

Today, we would like to introduce the wonderfull garden of Rik Desmedt from Belgium. Hostas are Rik´s favorite plants. He has been growing them for over 28 years. His garden is full of wonderful hosta cultivars. There are a lot of fantastic rarities, but also many common cultivars, among his beauties.


Growing hosta from seeds

Author: Eurohosta + V. Mirka

Recently, we have received from our customers and enthusiastic hosta growers, several requests for information how to grow hostas from seeds. Growing hostas from seed, you will have a lot of fun with this activity, but it has certain rules that must be followed...


Streaked hostas

Author: Eurohosta + V. Mirka

In the past, planting Streaked Hostas was a privilege of a small group of experienced gardeners, who knew the secret of its care. However, nowadays, more and more Streaked Hostas are starting to appear in the catalogs of specialized garden shops. This happened even though growing Streaked Hostas is not always easy... 

      They wrote about us in 2020

Author: Eurohosta

Recently we got several requests for advice on how to grow hostas in pots. Here we summarize some of our experiences with planting hostas in pots and give you some advice on how to grow hostas in containers. Hostas are among those perennials, which do very well in containers! So do not worry and lets go plant them in pots!


Buffalo - our own hosta cultivars

Author: Eurohosta

Although we are not focused on hosta breeding and it is not our main activity, we already have registered 6 of our own cultivars (AHS). Moreover, we plan to continue registering new hosta cultivars… For practical reasons, we give them English names that begin with the prefix Buffalo - which is the English translation of our surname...


Hosta collection - more than 1,200 hosta cultivars!

Author: Eurohosta

We have been planting hostas for over 20 years. During that time, we have collected a fairly large collection of these perennials. To date, there are about 1,200 cultivars in our garden. However, we are not classic collectors. About 700-900 cultivars are propagated for sale and only the rest serve as collection plants...


IV. Hosta Days 2020

Author: Eurohosta

Hosta Days 2020 were held under strict sanitary conditions on June 12 and 13, 2020 in our city flower shop in Žiar nad Hronom on Jánskeho street. That space is not big enough to show you all our hostas, so we selected 200-250 cultivars, offering a few of each for sale...


Hostas in pots - helpful solution

Author: Eurohosta

Recently we got several requests for advice on how to grow hostas in pots. Here we summarize some of our experiences with planting hostas in pots and give you some advice on how to grow hostas in containers. Hostas are among those perennials, which do very well in containers! So do not worry and lets go plant them in pots!       


News from our perennials beds…

Author: Eurohosta

Plant breeding is not our priority. It is for us more or less fun, we are doing only in a small range. Therefore, also our ambitions are not large. In our breeding program, we mainly benefit from the fact that we have almost 1000 hosta cultivars in our collection, so there is a lot to choose from; many potential “fathers” or “mothers”... 


Our garden shop in the city Žiar nad Hronom every week with a new plants

Author: Eurohosta

In the flower shop in Žiar nad Hronom we started in 2019 to realize the program „At least one new plant cultivar every week“. We try to get new cultivars of flowers, garden and houseplants from the leading European growers. This year we focused on new hydrangea cultivars. Regularly, every week, we brought new cultivars to the store...


Flower Days in the historic park of Abbey Seitenstetten, Austria

Author: Eurohosta

Summer sun pulled us for a short time to our neighbors, to Austria. The beautiful historic park Seitenstetten Abbey welcomed in June 2019 many exhibitors of garden plants, garden accessories, garden decorations, furniture etc. They come from several countries, not only from Austria...


III. Hosta Day - 2019

Author: Eurohosta

This spring (from May 30 to June 1) we again organized our Hosta Day. The meeting of the hosta-lovers and hosta-enthusiasts. In our flower shop in Žiar nad Hronom we placed around 1000 hostas in pots in total number of more than 200 cultivars...


Blue Hostas, why are they blue and how to care for them...

Author: Eurohosta

Did you know that blue is the rarest color in the garden? Blue hostas will give your garden a real blue shade. Choose a blue-green, green-blue, blue-gray, dark blue or azure-blue cultivar... Fragrant, or not, small, medium, or a huge one. We all love blue hostas just for their beautiful blue color. Why are they blue and how to care for them?


Martin Kamenský and his daylilies

Author: Eurohosta

In the early seventies, Martin Kamenský left Europe to work in the USA. As soon as he settled, he started to dedicate his free time to his greatest hobby – planting and breeding daylilies. Among the overseas daylily growers, he soon become known as a breeder specializing in diploid and reblooming daylily cultivars...


Yellow or green hosta...

Author: Vladimír Mirka

This hosta I bought last year in the spring as a very nice yellow hosta. It became green later on. Its colour is light-green, not very nice now...


Similar or the same? II

Author: Eurohosta

We have already written on our web site that some cultivars of the hostas, daylilies and other perennials are time to time very similar...


Mini daylilies, dwarfs for rockgardens...

Author: Eurohosta

"It would be nice if some of them were miniature and could be planted as rock garden plants”. We are sure, that many of you often think like that...


Hosta Day 2018...

Author: Eurohosta

On May 25 and 26 of 2018, we organized the 2. Hosta Day. There were several of you, who visited us during these 2 rainy days. You had a chance to see over 200 hosta cultivars, which were offered to you during these days. You expressed...


Calendar - January...

Author: Eurohosta

Do not forget to feed the birds in this hard winter time. Some do not migrate to warmer places but remain in our country throughout the winter time. There is a lack of food sources during winter, and it is very appropriate...


Fashion Trends in the breeding of daylilies

Author: Eurohosta

Daylilies offer a wide range of flower shapes and colours. But even they have obvious fashion trends...


Yellow Peonies

Author: Eurohosta

Peonies have decorated European gardens for centuries. Popular species are herbaceous peonies with fully pink, red or white blooms, which come from China and have bigger flowers. The peculiarity of tree peonies is that the flowers can also be yellow. Already, the breeders have been trying to cross herbaceous, resistant peonies...


There are several recent trends in hosta breeding...

Author: Eurohosta

Probably the most notable trend in recent years is to obtain plants with "red petioles”. The breeding is focused on plants which have red petioles and parts of the leaf. This trend is very significant, and many new cultivars are being promoted because of this colour effect...


Roses - the correct pruning cut

Author: Eurohosta

Autumn is very important for preparing roses to go through winter well. Be careful, however, for bad pruning can damage the rose. The best time for pruning is at the end of October or beginning of November. By this time cane growth has stopped...


Similar or the same?

Author: Vladimír Mirka

Two different pictures, two different prices, two different cultivars. However, pictures are always taken under specific conditions... So, you put these two different hosta cultivars into the basket...


Why does my buxus have brown leaves?

Author: Eurohosta

t is damaged by Cydalima perspectalis. It is a moth belonging to the family Crambidae. It is a smaller to medium sized moth...


Long-blooming perennials...

Author: Eurohosta

Blooms are the adornment of our gardens, pleasing us with their richness of colours and shapes. Some species of perennials are fragrant...


We have registered new perennial cultivars...

Author: Eurohosta

We have been dealing with plant breeding for many years. We focus on perennials - Hosta and Hemerocallis. Plant breeding requires a lot of work. It is difficult because of the required evidence and timing. It is necessary...


They wrote about us...

Author: Eurohosta

We are happy that our horticultural activity was noticed by some important and known magazines and web portals. ...